APA6 7 Changes

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Most notable changes between the 6th and the 7th edition of the APA Publication Manual

Generally, one major change from the 6th to the 7th edition is that the 7th edition is much more "user friendly" (or at least I experience it that way). What is particularly noteworthy is the steadily increasing numbers of examples, e.g., for papers (there is also an example for an easier student paper), for figures and tables,

There is even some [instructional aids | https://apastyle.apa.org/instructional-aids/]


  • There is increased flexibility regarding fonts, font options now include Calibri 11, Arial 11, Lucida Sans Unicode 10, Times New Roman 12, and Georgia 11 (only Times New Roman 12 was permitted before).
  • The running head on the title page no longer includes the words “Running head:”, only the (shortened) paper title (left) and the page number (right). Student papers may drop it.
  • The format of the headings was changed (it is more consistent in APA 7, and there is an overview at the inner book cover):
    • it uses Title Case Headings (words in the title always begin with a capital letter) for all levels of headings (APA 6: only 1 to 3)
    • Level 1 is centered, Level 2 and 3 are Flushed left and Level 4 and 5 are Indented
    • Level 1, 2, and 4 are Bold, Level 3 and 5 are bold and italic
    • Level 1 to 3 finish with a line feed, the new paragraph afterwards is indented
    • Level 4 and 5 end with a period. The text begins immediately afterwards

Language use

  • The singular “they” or “their” is endorsed as a gender-neutral pronoun. (“A researcher’s career depends on how often he or she is cited.” → “[…] how often they are cited.”)

Figures and Tables

  • The formatting of figures and tables is now parallel:
    • Captions are now always above (APA 6 had them above for tables and below for figures).
    • Notes are introduced for figures (with rules similar to tables: general notes first, specific notes afterwards).
  • The placement of tables becomes more flexible: they now can be placed within the text or after the reference list with 1 table / figure per page (APA 6 demanded the latter)


Make use of the wealth of reference examples on the APA-style page!

  • the et al.-rule has changed – now you use et al. for three or more authors (the 3-to-6-author-rule for the first occurrence was dropped)
  • in the reference list:
  1. The publisher location is no longer included (New York, NY: Simon & Schuster → Simon & Schuster)
  2. Including the issue number became mandatory.
  3. Electronic articles have to be preceded by „Article“
  4. The DOI must now have to format: https://doi.org/ + DOI (earlier it could be DOI: + DOI)
  5. If the DOI is very long you can use a shortDOI (http://shortdoi.org/) by pasting the original DOI in the input field, the output can be used like: https://doi.org/f8vbpr; for URLs preferably use the URL shortener of the web page owner (e.g., https://goo.gl/l6MS), otherwise common providers such as bitly.com, tinyurl.com
  6. Surnames and initials for up to 20 authors (instead of 7) should be provided.
  7. URLs are no longer preceded by “Retrieved from,” unless a retrieval date is needed.
  8. Articles that are only available electronically (e.g., in PLoS or Frontiers), i.e., which have an article number instead of pages must now be preceded by "Article", e.g., Koelsch, S., Enge, J., & Jentschke, S. (2012). Cardiac signatures of personality. PloS One, 7(2), Article e31441. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0031441